When the Smoke Clears


When the Smoke Clears
by Freida Theant


Armed with scissors, thread and pins, Marianne flitted about the tight-fitting midnight-violet dress, tailoring it stylishly around her mother Élise’s svelte curves. She was as fashion conscious as her mother was not, but then, being a working, single mom for the last fourteen years left little time or money for Élise to have a “life”. Between her former marriage and later, an ill-fated flirtation with a male coworker, Élise came to avoid and distrust entanglements.

“Mom, hold still,” Marianne urged. “Otherwise your outfit won’t be ready for tonight.”

Backing off to feel the impact of her creation, Marianne snatched up her Parliaments from the end table, and flash-flamed one into glowering life while scrutinizing her seamstressing. Wordless and staring fixedly, her thoughtful pulls on the cigarette flared the glowing tip to a fierce yellow-orange, highlights that coordinated her facial skin tones with her bobbed auburn coiffure.

“Turn around, Mom,” bobbling the dangling Parliament in sync with the smoke-abraded consonants in her command. Each sweep of her eyes searched the garment to detect which seams were proper and if the fabric hung provocatively; when the results passed, she exhaled her satisfaction with cirrus nostril plumes.

Until today, Élise rarely consulted dressing mirrors, but peering through her daughter’s floating strata of smoke she pondered her reflection, and when the smoke cleared she studied the image; Cajun-olive skin, brown eyes, crowned with more than 12 inches of rich chestnut hair brushed straight, capping her five and a half foot height. Élise colored her thin lips in an apricot shade that promoted the natural look, and she glossed her nails without added color. This woman wore her 42 years gracefully on a slender frame, and because exercise and diet kept her trim, and owing to genetics, she presented an aspect maybe a decade younger than her age. Nevertheless, she repressed that allure beneath a business wardrobe.

Marianne, in public, was never assumed to be Élise’s daughter; her frame was more robust over that same five-and-a-half foot stature. She bobbed her red hair stylishly, keeping it shorter than Élise, so with her sun-bronzed complexion showing a hint of freckles on her forearms, in combination with her emerald eyes, she displayed her long-absent father’s genetics more than the maternal Thibodaux’s of the Louisiana bayous. Marianne preferred glossy, lavender frost to accent her lips that complimented to perfection the chalky streams of smoke exiting her mouth. Her nails coordinated in silvery pastels matched her lip gloss, and provided an accent to whichever smoldering Parliament might be found between her fingers.

Marianne meant to reinvent her mother with this afternoon’s makeover. Élise’s agenda was simpler; she had driven down from Jacksonville just to spend the weekend catching up on chit-chat about her daughter’s new job and waterfront condo in Daytona Beach.

“Tonight YOU are gonna turn heads,” Marianne’s announced. “Please Mom, just let yourself go! I just want us to party, and for you to get to know my friends.”

Instead Élise pleaded, “Honey, do you hafta smoke? You know what it’ll do to your health.”

Marianne confronted her mom head on, clamped her lips taut, drew defiantly on the Parliament so hard it tilted upwards, and inundated her lungs with a smoke tsunami. Her breasts rose as she held that flood captive for seconds. When the tension peaked, she yanked her cigarette from her mouth in an angry arc, pouted her lips to blast a long, high velocity jet with an exaggerated sigh while rolling her eyes in pained consternation.

Élise broke the oppressive silence, “I know! I used to smoke, too. But I quit.”

“Mom, let’s not get into it again. Now that I’m graduated from college, I’ve got a professional job. I’ve changed since I lived at home, and you need to respect my adult decisions.” Marianne rolled her cigarette’s precariously drooping ash off into the glass ashtray in time to avoid burning the new carpet. With a mysterious glance, she looked ready to pursue this subject further, but reconsidered; “Now let’s get off of this and focus on tonight’s fun.”

Clearing the air that way brought peace for the rest of afternoon; Élise, naturally passive, bottled up her objections as Marianne flamed up each of her afternoon’s parade of Parliaments. Around sunset, the pair launched the evening with dinner at the Blackwater Inn, a landmark Florida restaurant, and then drove back to Daytona Beach in Élise’s Chevy for some night life.

But unexpectedly, as they left the parked car walking toward the night spot, Élise’s anxiety shot up like a Cape Kennedy rocket. Marianne felt her mom’s pace drag as the pair neared the entry with the Techno music blaring out into the otherwise calm evening.

“What’s wrong, Mom?”

“I haven’t done this in years…I’m out of place, here,” Élise, stressed, just wanted to run away.

“But you’ll love it inside, once you get used to it,” Marianne replied. “I really want you to meet some of my friends. Look, I’ll call you Beb, Okay?” Beb was Élise’s Cajun nickname. “No one’ll know you’re my mom.”

Marianne tugged her through the entry into what Élise construed as the gates of hell. Four of her five of senses were assaulted at once: jostled and bumped by the crowd of dancing bodies, awash in the overpowering aroma of cigarette smoke, stale liquor and designer fragrances, her protests were drowned in the hypnotic techno beat, and the sinister interior interrupted by brilliant flashes of multicolor lights or lesser glows as the tips of patrons’ cigarettes flickered on and off. Shock and awe replaced her fears; stunned by sensory overload, she sensed being piloted to a skinny table with high stools somewhere within the underworld and seating herself opposite Marianne.

The events of the soiree flow past in hazy images. Marianne flagging an overburdened server. “What do you want, Beb? Beer, wine, or mixed drink?” she shouts.

Élise, stunned, considers her choices while Marianne retrieves her Parliaments from her purse. The lighter’s flame blinds Elise while her daughter ignites her cigarette. To make herself heard, she leans in toward Marianne, who reciprocates.

“Wine, white….something, maybe Sauterne?” Now head-to-head, Marianne’s exhaled billow envelops her and caught off guard, Élise’ drinks it in. Within her nostrils the old familiar corn-straw aroma, come back to her, from her younger, smoking days. Oddly, the sensation is pleasant.

The blur of penetrating music and flashing neon imagery distorts Élise perception of time and even perspective. She distinguishes gyrating dancers amid streams of slender figures flowing around the clustered tables. Marianne is clearly anxious, she crushes out her cigarette and burns in a successor; the server delivers her Sauterne and Marianne’s Long Island Iced tea; Marianne keeps watching nervously for signs of her friends, all in strobe light staccato.

Élise samples the Sauterne with healthy swallows; the warm inner glow from the wine permeates her body; the thaw melts her tension away. Marianne orders them more wine and another LI Iced Tea and then animated; frantically signals a pair of women Élise can barely distinguish in the shadowy recesses.

They jostle and shove their way through the undulating crowd; approaching, Marianne rises, “Beb, I wantcha to meet Beth and Ashley.” Brief handshakes; how are ya’s, and names exchanged, chairs pulled out, the newcomers sit; Mojitos, Cosmos and more LI Iced Teas ordered; purses opened, lighters click to emblazon fiery dots onto Winstons, Newports and Parliaments, ashtrays pilfered from someone’s table; Ashley speaks but Marianne interrupts, fluffy; stage-lights colorize their smoky exhales.

“I thought you were never gonna get here,” Marianne yells, almost accusingly. Ashley, the slender blond smiles, embarrassed but Beth, the buff brunette shakes her hair and drapes the cascade onto her shoulders, and smiles knowingly.

Beth slides her chair next to Marianne, lays her arm around her neighbor’s freckled bronze shoulders but actually turns to face Élise, “So Beb, where are you from?” Beth coddles her Newport between her mulberry-hued lips, and very slowly, very tenderly pulls on the filter for an extended draw. Opening her mouth a mass of smoke seeks flight, but with her snap, the billow pops back into her mouth, and disappears into her chest. Beth turns, enraptured, faces Marianne, and pulses the smoke toward her in a rolling tumble, bathing her face in an erotic fog.

Beth’s demeanor puzzles Élise. Her instincts tell her Beth is challenging her for Marianne’s attention, but Élise dismisses the thought, “Jacksonville. I supervise an office at a mortgage house. How about you?”

Beth lifts her arm from Marianne’s shoulder and runs her glinting nails smoothly through Marianne’s hair carelessly, while replying “I moved here right after graduation about the same time as Marianne. I’m from Ohio. We’ve been friends since last year,” Beth smiles but her eyes show no warmth, rather confrontational. The hidden tremor in her pronunciation of friends hints at the depth of her feelings.

The awakening reality rocks Élise. She orders another Sauterne. Ashley, quiet until now, intuitively feels Élise’s distress. She asks, “Did you want a cigarette, Beb?”

She replies before she has a chance to think, “Yes, thank you, I’m gonna need one.” For Élise the blur of images flow: an unfamiliar white cylinder projecting from her mouth; Ashley thrusting the flame toward her; the pull on the filter and the spindle of smoke gliding up the cigarette toward her eyes; the burn in her chest muted gently with the wine vapors as she inspires the mouthful of white solace and the momentary high just after breathing out the cloudy relief, followed by a subtle cough. Succeeding puffs go down more smoothly. The long-forgotten rites of tending her cigarette come back to her; her style of holding using her right hand, the myriad variations of trimming the ash, where she keeps the lighter flame during a light-up, which part of her mouth feels the most comfortable to lodge the filter. She craves another, “Can I have one more…?”

Ashley becomes her angel this night; it was she who offers, “Sure Beb. Take the rest of this pack. I’ve got a spare in my purse.”

Marianne and Beth are murmuring so the others can’t hear. Beth cradles Marianne’s right cheek, with her fingers, lifts her jaw tenderly and asks, “Dance?” The anticipation in Beth’s deep brown eyes suggests the invitation extends beyond the spoken request. Without needing an answer, the two arise and float toward the dance floor.

“Don’t be put off by Beth,” Ashley apologizes. “She’s very possessive of Marianne, and she might’ve thought you were movin’ in on her!” She punctuates her sentence by hard tapping her Winston and flinging the ash away.

“It’s not like that….” Élise starts to protest, but when the absurdity of this misunderstanding crystallizes, she bursts out laughing. The smoke begins to clear away. She slides into a rolling laughter that clears away her tensions from having trespassed into a strange realm and feeling out of place; laughter that recognizes the irony of discovering jealousy in her daughter’s lover; and laughter that signaled just how much she had been out of touch until now.

“Well, I guess you’re okay with all this?” Ashley is confused but relieved that Élise is loosening up.

“Yes, Ashley. Everything is fine. I just needed the smoke to clear,” she reassured her. “You know what? If you could show me how to dance like that, I’d really appreciate it,” and she gestures toward the dance area.

Ashley stubs out her Winston and stands up, “Sure, let’s do it, Beb.”

As the pair squirm through the pulsing bodies, Élise passes Marianne and Beth dancing passionately but focused, enraptured, on each other. Marianne glances side wards and spots her mother entering with Ashley. She smiles, and nearing her lips to Beth’s ear, whispers, “Lets be clear about Beb. She’s very dear but you never hafta worry that she’ll put any moves on me!”

Beb smiles back, a wicked glint in her deep brown eyes, and winks.

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written by lavapg slot , December 05, 2023
Is a very good post. lavapg slot
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written by pg slot , December 05, 2023
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written by เดโม่ pg , December 05, 2023
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written by สล็อตเครดิตฟรีล่าสุด , December 05, 2023
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take my online class for me
written by Luciana Jones , December 09, 2023
Your homework is the basis for measuring your academic progress. You can also reduce the load of your homework and assignments by taking my online class for me, your course load may change as your professor evaluates your progress. Getting good grades in your classes is essential. Writing and thinking skills are assessed throughout your courses. To keep up together with your classmates, you wish to pay close attention to your homework. You would like to stay current on the subject matter and consider it completely to do well in your classes. Homework isn't just about reviewing what you have learned in class; it is additionally an opportunity to investigate your inventive side. To ensure your work is of the most noteworthy quality, you must follow to certain rules.
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security doors trinidad
written by Jackwilliams , December 10, 2023
security doors trinidad
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Take My Online Algebra Class
written by Take My Online Algebra Class , December 13, 2023
In many competent domains, including psychological research, interpersonal interaction, and law, history serves as the basis for both instruction and understanding acquisition. There are several approaches to understanding history subject. Some students choose to pay someone to take my online course service because of the complicated nature of the subject whereas some students complete their courses by taking classes on their own. Students who want to major in history have access to classes that span several subjects and historical eras. Online courses have a lot of advantages. Being able to adapt is one of the key benefits, you can take a class from anywhere at any time. Independent online courses are great for people with hectic schedules or those juggling their families or careers because they allow for independent learning and no time promises beyond what an individual wishes to put in.
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Ashram Escorts
written by Pihu Joshi , December 19, 2023
It is great to see this amazing article. I am glad to read this article and get amazing stuff from this. Ashram Escorts
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written by naga games slot , December 23, 2023
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written by http://www.okslotauto168.net/ , December 23, 2023
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written by ]naga game 50รับ100 , December 23, 2023
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written by http://www.all4slots.io , December 23, 2023
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written by ทดลองเล่นสล็อต pg ซื้อฟรีสปิน , December 23, 2023
คลิกที่นี่ ทดลองเล่นสล็อต pg ซื้อฟรีสปิน ทุกค่ายฟรี วางเดิมพันเกมทำเงิ
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Greffe de foie
written by Greffe de foie , December 28, 2023
La chirurgie de greffe de foie, également appelée transplantation hépatique, est une intervention médicale complexe visant à remplacer un foie endommagé ou défaillant par un foie sain provenant d'un donneur décédé
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Aeromexico Cancellation Policy
written by rheadiazx , January 12, 2024
Aeromexico Cancellation Policy outlines the rules and fees associated with canceling a flight. The refundability of a ticket depends on the fare type and the specific conditions related to that fare. Non-refundable tickets typically incur a cancellation fee, which can vary. Due to COVID-19, temporary policies may include waivers for certain fees or the option to rebook for a later date. Passengers can contact the airline directly through their website, customer service phone number, or at the airport. It's crucial to review fare rules and conditions before making any changes.
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Install cricut design space app
written by Giovanni John , February 01, 2024
Get a chance and unleash your creativity after getting a Cricut smart cutting machine. It works with an easy-to-use app with an ever-growing collection of items that create the project. With the sharpness of its blade, the machine can cut different materials with ease in an accurate manner. Besides, Install Cricut Design Space is software that helps in making any designs by using text, shapes, and image tools. The DIYer can download the easy-to-learn app from cricut.com/setup.
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install cricut design space app
written by Robert Jr Ford , February 01, 2024
For stepping into the world of crafting it is necessary to get the premium tools and supplies. Cricut allows you to get your hands on the most top-notch cutting and heat press devices. Its cutting machines and heat press devices come with innovative features that are hard to find anywhere in the market. Also, the Cricut machine's easy-to-use features make them worthwhile crafting tools for both beginners and professionals. Its machine easily connects to various computer and mobile phone devices. And some Cricut Machine Setup operate with their companion apps. Visit cricut setup for pc to buy the Cricut New Machine Setup or learn more about them.
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Cricut Design Space
written by Trent Stark , February 15, 2024
Try your hands on paper, vinyl, HTV, fabric, and other materials this time. Working with different types of materials has become efficient and effortless in the presence of a Cricut machine setup. You can start making personalized keychains, stunning home decor, custom doormats, eye-catching labels and stickers, and more. The best part about making the Cricut project is that you can use the Cricut Design Space app. Visit cricut.com/setup and download and install the application on your systems to browse through fonts and images present in the library. There are many possibilities with a Cricut explore air 2 software and its compatible application.
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written by sulo167 , February 16, 2024
I appreciate you writing such a fantastic article. I’m eagerly anticipating your next posts. Visiting this blog is a pleasurable experience. I appreciate you telling me that. fnaf unblocked
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Godrej Splendour
written by godrejsplendour , February 19, 2024
Godrej Splendour
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Assetz Bloom and Dell
written by assetzbloomanddell , February 19, 2024
Assetz Bloom & Dell New Pre-launch in a very prime location of East Bangalore, Eye-catching architecture hosts the dream life that many admire but only a few can live. You might be lucky enough to live here with amenities overload for you to be active and social. It offers only 3-bedroom and 4-bedroom residential apartments. Assetz Bloom And Dell Whitefield Bengaluru floor plans are wonderfully designed with an abundance of space and privacy. Much attention is paid to making this world a beautiful paradise for all those who wish to be a part of the splendid surroundings. it is stragitically located on Whitefield Road. Price is comparatively very competitive & affordable for every home buyer.
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Assetz Bloom and Dell
written by assetzbloomanddell22 , February 19, 2024
Assetz Bloom & Dell New Pre-launch is in a very prime location in East Bangalore, it is strategically located on Whitefield Road. This residential apartment consists of 3 & 4 Bhk premium luxury units with international standards specifications both inside & outside the community. Assetz Bloom & Dell Whitefield located has good connectivity as it can be easily reachable from every part of the city area.
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cricut design space app
written by William Wilsond , February 21, 2024
Explore the possibilities with a Cricut cutting machine to make enticing projects. Get the machine from Cricut’s official site and set it up using Setup Cricut.com. For this, navigate to cricut.com/setup. After this, select the Cricut new machine setup you are using and start cutting the material you want. Cricut is capable of cutting various materials up to 300+ uninterruptedly. Use your computer or mobile device to create an alluring design and control all the functions of your Cricut with one click.
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Cricut Machine Setup
written by Elijah Iliya , February 23, 2024
Tired of cutting crafts using your hands? Now, stop wasting your time when Cricut can do the same thing quickly with zero human effort. Get a suitable Cricut cutting machine like Maker, Explore, Joy, or Venture and set it up before using. The effortless setup process requires you to visit the site Cricut New Machine Setup. Visit the site and get the Cricut Design Space software on your compatible device for this easy setup. Finish the machine setup and reveal your hidden creative competencies today!
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Dressing is truly important.
written by Jenjira , March 07, 2024
Dressing is truly important. Because it can clearly convey a person's identity and personality. Good style can be an important element in making a good impression and expressing yourself to others. It can also boost our self-confidence in PG SLOT . Choosing the right clothes and style may help us feel better about ourselves. Whether it's dressing for work or an important activity. Having a good sense of style can help you have a great experience and feel confident in every situation. Situations that we enter by being true to ourselves. Therefore, paying attention to how you dress is an important thing that we should do in our daily life. In addition, dressing can be another way to express our emotions and personality. For example, we may choose bright styles and bright colors. When you feel happy Or choose a simple, classy style when you want to express seriousness or want to feel secure. We can use dressing as a tool to effectively communicate our emotions and feelings. Therefore, paying attention to the style of dressing not only helps us look good and confident. But it also helps to enhance communication and understanding with others. In addition, dressing can also be a tool for making an impression on those around you. When we have a good dressing style that suits our personality and occasion. It can create a good atmosphere and often get the attention of people around you. We can use our style to create positive energy and build confidence in ourselves as well. Therefore, paying attention and giving importance to dressing is not only a matter of beauty. But it is also a tool that helps build understanding and confidence in ourselves and others.
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Penile Lengthening Surgery cost in India
written by Penile Lengthening Surgery cost in India , March 09, 2024
Penile Lengthening Surgery cost in India typically commence at INR 1,50,000 (USD 2,000). Patients are required to stay in the hospital for one week, with additional follow-up appointments outside the hospital over the next two weeks. The overall treatment cost is influenced by the chosen diagnosis and facilities.
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Provident Ecopolitan Baglur
written by Provident Ecopolitan Baglur , March 29, 2024
Provident Ecopolitan KIADB Aerospace Park Baglur is an upcoming futuristic pre-launch apartment project located in Bangalore. The project comprises an 80 % open area with abundant greenery and scenic landscapes. It has lounged across a large land parcel offering luxury 1 BHK, 2 BHK, and 3 BHK abodes.
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Provident Ecopolitan Baglur
written by Provident Ecopolitan Baglur , March 29, 2024
Provident Ecopolitan is among the most anticipated properties in Bangalore, which presents carefully crafted 1 BHK, 2 BHK, and 3 BHK dwellings. It offers world-class amenities like Swimming Pool, Children’s Play Area, Tennis Court, Yoga & Meditation Hall, Jogging Path, AV Room, Spa, Open Gym, etc. This luxury pre-launch development is in the most promising locations in Bangalore. This city region is a preferred residential zone with fewer IT and business centers for its calm atmosphere. The project location connects with schools, universities, healthcare centers, malls, shopping hubs, and theaters. [ur=https://www.providentecopolitan.co/location/l]Provident Ecopolitan Location is well connected as it is centrally located & can be easily reached from every part of the city area. The entire location is properly planned with renowned schools, healthcare facilities, malls, and so on in the vicinity. Public transport is easily available to further enhance connectivity. You can book your home for this upcoming residential project in Bangalore, which will be delivered on the date promised by the developer.
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Provident Ecopolitan Baglur
written by Provident Ecopolitan Baglur , March 29, 2024
This luxury pre-launch development is in the most promising locations in Bangalore. This city region is a preferred residential zone with fewer IT and business centers for its calm atmosphere. The project location connects with schools, universities, healthcare centers, malls, shopping hubs, and theaters. Provident Ecopolitan Location is well connected as it is centrally located & can be easily reached from every part of the city area. The entire location is properly planned with renowned schools, healthcare facilities, malls, and so on in the vicinity. Public transport is easily available to further enhance connectivity. You can book your home for this upcoming residential project in Bangalore, which will be delivered on the date promised by the developer.
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written by kiskertek.com , June 14, 2024
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written by kaspivo.com , June 14, 2024
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written by kurtweitzmann.com , June 14, 2024
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written by superawesomebook.com , June 14, 2024
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written by netshellinfosystem.com , June 14, 2024
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written by pousadamrocha.com , June 14, 2024
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written by thietbiotoviet.com , June 14, 2024
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written by barbaraopsomer.com , June 14, 2024
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written by locksmithslongbeach.com , June 14, 2024
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written by spocena.com , June 14, 2024
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written by kiskertek.com , June 15, 2024
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written by kaspivo.com , June 15, 2024
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written by kurtweitzmann.com , June 15, 2024
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written by superawesomebook.com , June 15, 2024
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written by netshellinfosystem.com , June 15, 2024
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written by pousadamrocha.com , June 15, 2024
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written by thietbiotoviet.com , June 15, 2024
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written by barbaraopsomer.com , June 15, 2024
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written by locksmithslongbeach.com , June 15, 2024
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written by spocena.com , June 15, 2024
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written by tagfetcher.com , June 18, 2024
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written by yogakiev.com , June 18, 2024
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written by borisovwater.com , June 18, 2024
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written by fanaworldtravel.com , June 18, 2024
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written by timbrickmusic.com , June 18, 2024
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written by chirothemes.com , June 18, 2024
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written by internetarchivists.org , June 18, 2024
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written by montanaherbgathering.org , June 18, 2024
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written by inshapefair.com , June 18, 2024
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written by windblazelighter.com , June 18, 2024
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kissbet lotaria
written by kissbet lotaria , June 24, 2024
Thank you for sharing such valuable insights. Your perspective has shed new light on the topic and has given me much to ponder.

kissbet lotaria
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Godrej Sunrise Estate
written by Godrej Sunrise Estate , June 26, 2024
Godrej Sunrise Estate is a new luxury residential plotted development getting launched in the prime location of Oragadam, Chennai city. It comes with an wide range of various plots in different dimensions. This project will have all top-end specifications in the entire project.
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Godrej Sunrise Estate
written by Godrej Sunrise Estate , June 26, 2024
Godrej Sunrise Estate is a new luxury residential plotted development getting launched in the prime location of Oragadam, Chennai city. It comes with an wide range of various plots in different dimensions. This project will have all top-end specifications in the entire project. Godrej Sunrise Estate Location is well-connected as it is in the most developed locality of South Chennai, it has both Roadways and a part of metro rail connected to this location.
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Tata Carnatica
written by Tata Carnatica , June 30, 2024
Tata Carnatica Location in Devanahalli is a premium luxury plotted development in the heart of North Bangalore. It comprises various dimensions to suit the needs of consumers willing to own a home in the township. The name is inspired by Carnatic music, and the project is named Carnatica. Spread across 140 acres, Tata Carnatica offers 1, 2, and 3 BHK homes. This development is well-connected, centrally located, and easily accessible from every part of the city. Possession begins in December 2025 onwards, ensuring a perfect blend of luxury and convenience for its residents.
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written by pgxo , July 13, 2024
เพื่อนๆ ทุกคน! มาร่วมสนุกกับเราที
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