Echos of 'Fidelio'


Echos of 'Fidelio'
by Vesperae


This is a brief excerpt from the September–October 2010 issue of Smoke Signals magazine, and one of my first columns for the free/public version, "My First Decade at The Orgy":

"A few months after going online at home [in July of 2000] I finally got around to renting a video of Stanley Kubrick's brilliant final film from 1999, Eyes Wide Shut (which I had skipped in theatrical release due to my intense Tom Cruise aversion), and in the mansion scenes found the perfect representation of what the experience of joining the online SFC felt like for me –  a grand underground gnostic orgy populated by masked revelers.  I completely identified with any one of the countless women whose mask gave her the freedom to indulge her most extreme carnal urges in the dimly lit chambers beyond the boundary of 'Fidelio' [the password admitting an attendee to the mansion]. My mask was Betty [the name I gave to my first iMac]…my mansion was the world wide web...and an endless parade of partners came to life for me via their words and images whenever I desired their touch and their smoke in my mind. The relative anonymity, the immediacy of the connection, and my imagination, were a profoundly intoxicating and erotic combination for me." 

HBO currently has the extended director's cut of Eyes Wide Shut playing in rotation and available on HBO GO, and I watched it again for the first time in fifteen years a few weeks ago. Fifty one year old me was instantly transported back to late long summer nights in Seattle spent by thirty six year old me discovering the mind-blowing selection of online erotic treasures tailor-made for my Unusual Desires.

Now that it's become my first fifteen years at The Orgy, I look back over the long, strange, wonderful trip of it all with gratitude and joy, and especially, a certain contentment in the fact that I got to experience the online SFC from the early days of what can perhaps best be described as "mutual discovery."

What I'm referring to is the magical transition from living for many years with an essentially wordless and largely subconscious desire for women who smoke, to then suddenly being able to actually read the thoughts of others who share in the experience. For me, it was not unlike having a paralyzed limb my entire life that suddenly began to function. "Transformative" doesn't even begin to describe how profoundly liberating and intoxicating the experience of embracing, exploring, understanding, and expressing my SF was for me. And the delight of it all was just amplified over, and over, and over again the more I read about the experiences of others going through the same wonderfully exciting process that I was.

What's changed in the years since that time is that anyone growing up now is online from childhood and can easily find SF content and discussion, whereas I had to wait until I was a middle-aged adult. Which means that the urge to share and express and celebrate our relative uniqueness has, in all likelihood, been dramatically diminished. Many of those, like me, from the age of the first Surgeon General's Report and before that time seem to be "talked out" at this point, since their process of mutual discovery has long been integrated into their sense of Identity. And those who grew up in the decades after the first Surgeon General's Report never experienced the dramatic, sudden process of mutual discovery, since their Unusual Desires had a name and an endless parade of online content and archived and active discussions to reassure them that they were by no means alone, and from a dramatically earlier age.

The sense I get is that younger members of the SFC tend to be more passive when it comes to thinking about and entertaining their SFs, because it's simply not a "big deal" like it was for the original participants and contributors to the online SFC. Content that entertains will almost certainly always be of interest, but process discussion content of any serious nature, like message boards, forums, and this magazine, would seem to be of relatively little interest for the majority anymore. I'd like to think that for many younger members of the SFC, maybe they've been able to open up to their partners about their little kink and get to indulge and enjoy it frequently and regularly, and thus don't feel the need to talk about it with anyone else. I hope so.

While he's not arrived at a final decision, the Publisher of Smoke Signals, my very dear friend Mike, seems to have all but decided that the time for the magazine has passed. And short of a barrage of emails persuading him to reconsider ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ), this will probably be the last issue of the magazine, and my last column here.

I'm both humbled and gratified by the number of views of my contributions to the magazine, and especially of the lovely appreciative emails that I receive from readers from time to time. Please know that if Smoke Signals magazine is discontinued, I will still be around, I will still continue to be an online presence, and you're still always welcome to email me. This isn't "goodbye" by any stretch of the imagination.

As for "Kayla's Lungs" – I still have quite a bit of story left to tell. And if not here, then to be continued and concluded sometime in the near future at a venue to be determined.

As a long-time reader and fan from the print days in the late 90s before going online at home in 2000, and as a subsequent proud contributor to Smoke Signals magazine since 2003, it goes without saying that I would be sad to see it go. But one of the nicest things about getting older is the perspective that the years offer you. When something is lost, something is inevitably gained, even if it isn't obvious at the time. And that which goes away in its present form lives on in the way that we experience everything that comes after.

Smoke Signals magazine will always remain one of the happiest and best memories of my life, whether this is the last issue or not, and I will always feel a deep sense of gratitude and friendship and love towards Mike for his pioneering spirit and incredible generosity of money and time and energy in making the mutual discovery process of the early days of the SFC possible for so many of us.

As always, I continue to believe in the power of optimism, because I've always found the alternative to be a pointless dead-end.

So…until next time…wherever and whenever we meet again…

Email Vesperae

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There are several possible reasons why smoking leads to a much greater risk of STEMI in women than in men, according to the authors. One is that smoking may lower women's levels of estrogen, which has been shown to protect against narrowing of the arteries.
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written by Castle Rock Tree Service , May 16, 2021
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Nice article, thank you for sharing such an informative information.
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written by KOLKATA PROPERTY , June 20, 2021
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written by ONLINE MARKETING , June 20, 2021
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written by roofing companies elyria , June 29, 2021
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written by Boulder Concrete Contractors Co , July 20, 2021
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written by Isabel , July 22, 2021
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written by Isabel , July 22, 2021
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written by Isabel , July 22, 2021
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written by Isabel , July 22, 2021
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written by Isabel , July 22, 2021
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written by Isabel , July 22, 2021
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written by Isabel , July 22, 2021
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written by Isabel , July 22, 2021
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written by Isabel , July 22, 2021
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written by Isabel , September 22, 2022
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written by Isabel , September 22, 2022
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written by Isabel , September 22, 2022
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written by Isabel , September 22, 2022
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written by Isabel , September 22, 2022
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written by Isabel , September 22, 2022
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written by Isabel , September 22, 2022
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written by jen , December 15, 2023
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written by jen , December 15, 2023
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written by builder16 , January 29, 2024
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written by Hardscaping Contractors Pittsburgh , February 08, 2024
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written by I need a website , March 05, 2024
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written by builder16 , March 25, 2024
Great Post!
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written by builder16 , March 25, 2024
Great Post!
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Title: Foracort Rotacaps: Managing Asthma with Formoterol & Budesonide
written by syed Anwar , March 28, 2024
At Sanford Online Pharmacy, we understand the challenges of managing asthma, which is why we're proud to offer Foracort Rotacaps. This combination medication contains Formoterol and Budesonide, two powerful ingredients designed to effectively control asthma symptoms and improve lung function.
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Title: Breathe Easy with Foracort Forte: Your Solution for Asthma Control
written by syed Anwar , March 28, 2024

Sanford Online Pharmacy introduces Foracort Forte, a revolutionary inhaler combining Formoterol and Budesonide to combat asthma effectively. Formoterol, a long-acting beta agonist, works to relax the muscles in the airways, easing breathing difficulties. Meanwhile, Budesonide, a corticosteroid, reduces inflammation, preventing asthma exacerbations.

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Choose Foracort Forte from Sanford Online Pharmacy for comprehensive asthma control and take a step towards a healthier, more comfortable life.
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Breathe Easy with Foracort Inhaler: Your Solution for Asthma Relief
written by syed Anwar , March 28, 2024
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Sanford Online Pharmacy: Your Trusted Source for Health and Wellness
written by syed Anwar , March 28, 2024
At Sanford Online Pharmacy, we prioritize your health and well-being above all else. With a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, we offer a wide range of high-quality medications and healthcare products at competitive prices. Whether you're managing a chronic condition, seeking relief from allergies, or simply looking to maintain your overall wellness, our online platform provides convenient access to the medications you need. Our team of experienced pharmacists is dedicated to ensuring that you receive personalized care and expert guidance every step of the way. With fast and reliable shipping options, discreet packaging, and secure online transactions, you can trust Sanford Online Pharmacy to meet all your pharmaceutical needs with professionalism and integrity. Experience the difference with Sanford Online Pharmacy and take control of your health journey today.
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written by milxtalian , April 05, 2024
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written by , April 08, 2024
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written by , April 08, 2024
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Nice read
written by Pool Builders , April 17, 2024
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written by Cabinet Makers , April 17, 2024
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written by Mia , May 10, 2024
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written by , May 19, 2024
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written by Phoenix Business Directory , June 10, 2024
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written by cargo , June 11, 2024
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written by Wibratory , June 12, 2024
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written by Cabinets Sarasota , June 14, 2024
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written by Concrete Kennewick , June 14, 2024
This is cool
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written by Flooring Contractor South Bend IN , June 14, 2024
While I'm here yeah might as well
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written by , June 14, 2024
The sense I get is that younger members of the SFC tend to be more passive when it comes to thinking about and entertaining their SFs, because it's simply not a "big deal" like it was for the original participants and contributors to the online SFC.
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written by , June 19, 2024
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written by thusss , June 19, 2024
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written by thusss , June 19, 2024
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written by thusss , June 19, 2024
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written by thusss , June 19, 2024
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written by thusss , June 19, 2024
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written by thusss , June 19, 2024
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written by thusss , June 19, 2024
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written by thusss , June 19, 2024
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written by thusss , June 19, 2024
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written by Sarasota Cabinets , June 21, 2024
Love it man, I love it
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written by pavers mesa , June 25, 2024
really simplified what so many others complicate too much
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I agree
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i Agree
written by Attic restoration Brunswick , July 05, 2024
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written by Betflix88 , July 06, 2024
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written by Danny Devon , July 09, 2024
Love it Makers Sarasota, FL
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